Brick is one of the oldest and most versatile materials in construction, going beyond the simple masonry wall. Its origins date back to 7500 B.C.,
with kiln-fired specimens appearing around 3000 B.C., representing a technological breakthrough for the construction of sturdier buildings.
The history of bricks is intertwined with that of civilization, being an easy-to-produce, resistant, and versatile material, allowing for a multitude of
applications and achieving impressive and unusual results.
This building is an ode to the brick.
We have designed a residential building in the Red Cross district in Belgrade having in mind all of the advantages of working with one such material.
The material eliminates the need for plastering or painting, which reduces additional costs and simplifies maintenance over the years. In short, the choice
of brick in this project was a combination of aesthetic, functional, and economic considerations that aligned perfectly with the client’s vision and needs.
Specifically in terms of materiality, brick plays a central role in the project, providing not only structural strength but also aesthetic beauty and thermal comfort.
Its use in different forms and textures, such as facade walls, ceramic roofs, and hollow elements, demonstrates the versatility of this ancient material.
We provided 2 facade design options, one with typical red and the second with black recycled bricks.