During the pandemic, our team transitioned to a fully remote work setup, collaborating across various locations.
This unexpected experience pushed us to tackle an ambitious international competition for a project over 30,000 square meters, and we’re proud
to share that our efforts secured us first place in this challenging endeavor.
The complexity of the building demands coherence in thought, idea, and design; otherwise, the scenario of the building becomes indistinct.
Pushing for clarity while doing justice to our decision for a vertical spatial and programmatic arrangement, we arrived at a twofold concept:
a metaphorical and morphological dichotomy, resulting in a vertical division of the house into “Opera-di-Natura” and “Opera-di-Mano.”
The first house represents the organism of the building, the machine that encompasses all necessary functions, forming the solid foundation of
the whole. In contrast, the second house embodies the spectacle of the building, showcasing the finest art, design, and technology—essentially,
a physical relic of the artist’s work.
This segment embodies the building’s organic functionality, akin to the natural slope of a Greek amphitheater. It serves as the backbone, housing
essential facilities like rehearsal rooms, offices, and parking, culminating in the opera house itself. The pragmatic design ensures smooth operations,
focusing on optimal spatial distribution and connectivity for both staff and visitors. Horizontal and vertical circulation facilitates seamless navigation,
emphasizing the journey as a celebration of space.
At the street level, a subtle yet essential transition marks the beginning of the visitor’s journey. The grand foyer offers a glimpse into both the natural
and artisanal aspects of the building, presenting various routes for vertical movement, whether via stairs, escalators, or elevators.
Contrasting the functional solidity of the first house, the “second house” epitomizes the spectacle—the craftsmanship of human hands. Here, brightness and beauty
converge in a paradise of pleasure, showcased through expressive design and intricate detailing. The glass façade blurs the boundaries between interior and exterior,
inviting visitors into a realm of aesthetic delight. This space hosts the main restaurant and concert halls, surrounded by captivating vistas and immersive lighting,
offering visitors myriad pathways to explore and experience the building’s grandeur.
In essence, our architectural endeavor encapsulates a harmonious interplay between functionality and aesthetic allure, guiding visitors through a journey of spatial discovery and sensory delight.